There have been a lot of concerns raised in recent months surrounding the topic of PFAS. Especially considering there were raised levels found right here in some of our own backyards. So, what is it and should we all be concerned?

 PFAS stands for Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. Unless you happen to be a scientist that probably means as much to you, as it does to me. Basically, it’s a manmade chemical substance that is hard for our environment and bodies to break down. The harder something is to break down, either by nature or your body, the more likely it is to build-up. The smaller your body the easier it can build-up because there is less area for it to be stored. This makes PFAS a bigger concern for children and women who are pregnant.

Although there isn’t a lot of information out there about the effects of overexposure, some of the known side effects include hormone level interference, increased cholesterol levels, cancer, weakened immune system, and even growth and learning abilities in children.

PFAS was found at raised levels in a local water supply, but water is not the only way you can be exposed. PFAS can be present in your food, its packaging, and even the cookware you use. You can also breath it in and be exposed through products that you use.

So, with all these ways to be exposed, what is a safe level of exposure? The jury is still out. Whether you can consider any level of exposure safe is a matter of personal opinion but, the EPA is working to have an MCL (Maximum Contaminant Level) determined by the end of the year.

How can you protect yourself? Education is a great start. Learning whether you or your family use products or eat foods containing high levels of PFAS can help you make better decisions and changes to your lifestyle. You can also contact your county water department or reference your water report for information about PFAS in your local water supply. To best safeguard your water the WQA (Water Quality Association) lists reverse osmosis treatment as one of the top ways to remove PFAS from your water. Kinetico reverse osmosis system has tested extremely efficient at reducing the PFAS levels in household drinking water. If you already have a Kinetico reverse osmosis system be sure to use it for all your drinking, cooking and even watering of pets. If you don’t, give us a call today!

K5 Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System | Integrity Water Solutions